Stephen Connolly quoted in The Lawyer Magazine’s latest report

December 4, 2013

Exchange Chambers barrister Stephen Connolly has been quoted in The Lawyer Magazine’s latest report on the regional Bar.

The report, in which Exchange Chambers is credited with being one of the largest regional Sets, focuses specifically on the impact of the Jackson reforms on civil litigation.

“It’s premature to say what effect the recent Jackson reforms will have,” says Stephen, who predicts that the big impact will kick in next year.

Despite this, Stephen argues that the Northern Bar is much better-placed to cope with their impact than some others.

“For us, the reforms did not suddenly go live in April,” he says. “We had a year of experience adjustment. This will help.”

Connolly adds that the North West is a good environment, with the region picking up a good quantity and quality of instructions as clients and solicitors turn to the region instead of London.

Efforts to push work into the region from London received a boost from July’s Chancery Modernisation Review by Lord Justice Briggs and Connolly says the Northern Chancery Bar Association and the Northern Circuit Commercial Bar Association are doing a good job promoting the North as a place to litigate.

To read the full article – “The Regional Bar – A Bright Future” please click here –