planning building

Health and Safety

"The service provided was exceptional."

The Legal 500 2024

We have a specialist team of barristers who excel in health and safety law undertaking high profile prosecution and defence work in equal measure.

We prosecute on behalf of the Health and Safety Executive, the Environment Agency, and the Department for Business Innovation and Skills. Many of the team have gained appointment to the national list of Specialist Regulatory Advocates specialising in health and safety law.

We are particularly strong in defence work, providing expert advice and representation on behalf of employers, companies, directors, individuals and public bodies in all aspects of health and safety law.

We cover:

  • Breach of the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 and associated health and safety regulations
  • Corporate manslaughter and gross negligence manslaughter; criminal liability of company, directors and individuals
  • Improvement notices
  • Inquests
  • Oppressive sales methods, misleading prices and CPUT breaches
  • Responding to investigations by such bodies as the Health and Safety Executive, Department of the Environment and Local Authority, and the Office of Rail Regulation;
  • Statutory powers under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974
  • Work-related deaths and serious injuries

Our members are respected country-wide and undertake high profile cases across a variety of industry sectors including construction, food and drink, healthcare, hotel and leisure services, retail, and railway/rail maintenance.

The Team