Our members regularly handle high value and complex matrimonial finance cases following divorce, concerning matters such as pensions, family trusts, estates, tax structures, businesses and overseas assets.

The family team provides specialist advice and representation throughout the field of family law. We are particularly renowned for substantial financial remedy cases.

Areas of experience include:

  • Civil partnerships
  • Cohabitation claims
  • Divorce – proceedings, jurisdiction and farming
  • Financial provisions for children
  • Financial remedy following divorce
  • Inheritance (Provision for Family and Dependants) Act 1975 claims
  • Pre and post-nuptial agreements
  • Proceedings under the Matrimonial Causes Act 1973
  • Proceedings under Schedule 1 Children Act 1989
  • Professional negligence

Our barristers have extensive experience of dealing with high value cases with substantial assets that often involve the consideration of business accounts, inherited wealth, hidden assets, liquidity issues and shareholdings. We routinely use experts in forensic accountancy and tax.

In divorce and judicial separation cases, our members provide specialist advice on potential settlement terms and identify any preparatory work necessary for contested hearings.

The Team