Members are ranked in prestigious legal directories including Chambers and Partners. We regularly appear both for and against HMRC in cases involving corporate and personal clients.
The main areas of expertise are:
We also provide expert advocacy and advice in commercial and chancery cases which have a tax dimension. We regularly advise on tax issues relating to pensions, trusts, estates, companies and partnerships, real estate, fraud and professional negligence.
Dispute Resolution
We can offer a complete dispute resolution service from the outset to the conclusion of a case for solicitors, accountants, CTAs and other professional clients. This includes:
Direct Professional and Public Access instructions
We are able to accept direct instructions by accountants, solicitors and other professional bodies under the Bar’s direct professional access scheme.
Some members of the team are able accept direct instructions from members of the public in appropriate cases.
Tax – Band 1 leading set – Chambers and Partners 2025