Wayne Jackson is an established criminal law practitioner. In addition to a particularly strong fraud practice, he has also amassed considerable experience in defending all manner of offences of a serious sexual nature, offences of serious violence and large scale drugs importation conspiracies. He has been junior counsel in numerous murder cases and successfully defended his first manslaughter case as a junior, alone, in 1989. IT fraud is an area of long standing interest and expertise, and Wayne prides himself on keeping up to date with the latest digital technology.
His work often involves a detailed critical assessment of digitally stored information followed by an appraisal of that evidence against the background of the case itself. Great care has to be taken in the meticulous examination of such evidence, as there are often many tens, if not hundreds of thousands of pages of information to consider.
While Wayne has, on occasions, been led in fraud cases but more often than not he is leading junior counsel.
He relishes the challenge of tackling cases of a complex and technical nature, and has a wealth of experience in the preparation and defence of cases such as large scale car ringing operations. He has also been involved in defending a number of very large Trading Standards prosecutions and has significant experience in working on high cost cases.
Criminal Cases
Regina v Jarrett (Wounded Warrior)(2012) – Preston Crown Court
A charity fraud concerning a private fundraising company raising money for various charities through vehicle raffles. The fundraising company originally raised funds for Help for Heroes.
Regina v Woods (2011) – Bolton Crown Court
A historic sex case which incorporated abuse of process submissions and complex bad character evidence (a previous acquittal 18 years for offences of a similar nature). Led by QC.
R v Burke (2010) – Preston Crown Court
Junior Counsel in this murder case involving lots of circumstantial evidence and the use of cell site analysis.
Regina v Dewar (2009) – Norwich Crown Court
A nine week long multi handed murder trial with the deceased being a local resident who had become involved in a dispute about a lady friend. The case involved a significant number of pages of evidence and exhibits, witnesses being flown in from Canada, detailed cell site analysis, facial mapping and a nationwide hunt for the killers. Led by QC.
Regina v Denney (2008) – Teesside Crown Court
A nationally reported yet quirky money laundering case in which it had proved impossible, on health grounds, to get the Defendant from Kent to Teesside. Having met the Defendant at her home and recognising her voice, Wayne suggested to the court that she could offer no evidence by telephone, provided that the court was happy that he could identify her. Wayne had to swear an oath that he could identify her and the proceedings followed thereafter. The procedure was approved and reported as a “pioneering step” in the use of technology to save court time and costs.
R v Salmon and Others (2008) – Preston Crown Court
3 month “jury protected” case involving the re arming of imitation firearms with the investigation and search for the Defendants featured on “Crimewatch”.
Regina v Michael Murphy (2007) – Leeds Crown Court
Multi handed credit card fraud with a potential loss of in excess of £6m. It involved large scale “cobbing” with credit cards being bulk purchased from eastern European sources, identities manufactured/stolen or sufficient personal security and personal information being obtained about an individual so the fraudsters could facilitate the change of a credit card billing address in order that the credit card account could be plundered up to its maximum limit whilst the card holder remained blissfully unaware of what had taken place. This was a complicated case to prepare and involved detailed legal submissions in order to force the Crown into full disclosure.
Regina v Jarvis (2006) – Birmingham Crown Court
Pir8 operated as an Internet discussion forum with worldwide membership but the true object of the forum was, according to the Crown, facilitating the counterfeiting of various media and the subsequent dissemination of the same. The first prosecution of its kind. Wayne was Leading Junior Counsel for the Defendant.
Regina v Dimmock (2005) (Operation Blossom) – The Old Bailey
The National High Tech Crime Unit’s biggest and flagship prosecution (at the time) involving an international warez hacking group known as “Drink or Die”. The hackers routinely stripped the encryption code off new software (Microsoft Corporation was the primary target) and then released it for free on the Internet. The hackers saw themselves as the latter day Robin Hoods of the IT community, taking great exception to the vast profits being made by frontline software corporations. The case was years in the investigation, preparation and subsequent prosecution. After almost 800 hours of detailed preparation and analysis, the defence able to demonstrate that the Crown had got the wrong man. Led by QC.
Paul Tame (2005) – Lewes Crown Court
The brother of the Defendant from the earlier case started trading in counterfeit goods online. The Crown served some 65,000 pages of evidence and exhibits. Wayne was a Leading Junior in this case.
Regina v Jason Tame (Case 1)(2004) – Lewes Crown Court
A substantial multi handed counterfeiting operation in Case 1, involving various websites, PayPal accounts, Internet trading and shipping/manufacturing links with Malaysia allegedly netting the Defendants £400,000. Wayne was the Leading Junior in this case.
Regina v Bates (2003) – Bolton Crown Court
Large scale scrap yard and motor vehicle engine fraud in which cars were being written off then recreated and subsequently re registered, thereby being given completely new identities or cloned identities.
Regina v Bates (2002) – Northampton Crown Court
The commercial manufacture and distribution of placebo steroid powders and tablets.
Regina v Faughey (2002) – Manchester Crown Court
16 year old murdered a 35 year old by stabbing her 27 times. Lots of complicated mental health issues. Defendant practised stabbing the deceased on a coke bottle before she committed the murder. Junior Counsel.
R v Archer (1997) – Preston Crown Court
Junior Counsel for the Defendant on a murder charge.
Regina v Smith (Operation Zealot) – Liverpool Crown Court The Liverpool part of a Liverpool/Lancashire joint DWP/BPI prosecution concerning a very large number of defendants and the case itself involving the manufacture of counterfeit goods and the retailing of the same on market stalls. In this case the joint surveillance operation covered a period of six months. Wayne represented the main defendant in the case in the capacity of Leading Junior Counsel.
Regina v Lawler – Manchester Crown Court
A highly technical fraud involving members of the medical profession being targeted by fraudsters with a view to obtaining credit and debit card details from them in order to pay for professional services to be provided and thereafter, the credit balances on those credit card/debit cards being plundered. A detailed analysis of the extensive paperwork meant the defence was able to establish an audit trail that undermined the entirety of the prosecution case and ultimately brought about the collapse of the prosecution. Led by QC.
Regina v Bradley (Operation Quadrella) – Newcastle Crown Court
A worm virus was created and released, thereafter infecting business/university servers and individual computers worldwide. The case had links to perpetrators in the USA who themselves had been investigated by the FBI and prosecuted. A technically challenging and very complicated case that took 18 months to prepare. Wayne was Leading Junior.