Tom Clarke

Call 2015

Photo of Tom Clarke

Personal Injury

Tom’s practice is focused on personal injury work. He is regularly instructed by Claimants and Defendants in multi-track cases in all areas of personal injury work, including road traffic accidents, occupiers’ liability, public liability and Highways Act claims.

Tom has a thriving trial practice and regularly attends CCMC’s and interim hearings across the country. Alongside this, Tom regularly undertakes conferences with a wide variety of medical and accident reconstruction experts.

Some recent examples of multi-track work include:

  1. Advice and representation of a Claimant with Protected Party status in a liability admitted matter arising from a road traffic accident. The claim is pleaded in excess of £250,000.
  2. Advice and representation of a Claimant in a material contribution case following a multi -party road traffic accident that resulted in the Claimant developing severe and permanent PTSD.
  3. Representation of a Claimant at a Multi-Track trial where issues of fundamental dishonesty and causation were raised. Following the trial, the Claimant was successful and recovered indemnity costs arising from beating a Part 36 offer.
  4. Advice on a personal injury claim brought by a Claimant in the High Court alleging a breach of duty whereby a public body failed in its duty of care to the Claimant in circumstances that led to a sexual assault on the premises. The matter was issued in the High Court and resulted in a substantial settlement.
  5. Advice and representation of a Claimant who suffered a traumatic brain injury that accelerated the progression of her Dementia and had led to a significant care claim of over £100,000.

Tom has extensive knowledge of Credit Hire Law and regularly accepts instruction arising from technical disputes arising from consideration of Pre-Action Protocol for Personal Injury and the introduction of the Intermediate Track.

Tom is more than happy to informally advise on matters to assist solicitors in circumstances that require timely input.