Richard Brigden

Call 2007

"Richard is an incredible advocate and is able to bring passion and compassion to his advocacy. He is brilliant with vulnerable defendants and has the capacity to make them feel at ease and to trust him in a very short space of time."

The Legal 500, 2024
Photo of Richard Brigden


Richard is a criminal defence advocate with an excellent reputation, involved in a wide range of work in the Crown Court, High Court (quasi criminal matters) and Court of Appeal.

His varied Crown Court practice encompasses a variety of serious criminal offences including murder, firearms, violence, sexual offences, drugs and fraud.

Richard is experienced in dealing with complex and voluminous evidence which often involves expert evidence regarding cell site, firearms, computers and environmental issues. He is also experienced in dealing with complex expert medical evidence in the area of diminished responsibility and pharmacology.

He is known for his expertise in dealing with vulnerable defendants and has extensive experience of representing defendants with complex mental health needs and defences involving insanity, loss of control and diminished responsibility. He is experienced in advising and instructing the relevant experts as well in the use of intermediaries.

Richard is regarded as a leading protest lawyer and has recently been instructed in precedent cases in the Court of Appeal Criminal and Civil Division.

He is ranked in the 2022 Edition of The Legal 500 as a leading junior in general crime.


Notable Cases:

R v K (2021) – Defendant charged with serious historic sexual offences against a complainant who was a child at the time. Defendant acquitted of all counts

R v M (2021) – Defendant charged with a series of armed robberies and firearms with intent to endanger life.

R v D (2021) – Defendant with complex mental health issues charged with s20 against two vulnerable witnesses. S28 pre-recorded cross examination. Defendant convicted of 1 count and acquitted of the other count.

Nassinde v Chester Magistrates Court [2020] EWHC 3329 (Admin) – Appeal concerning the right of police officers to enter property due to mental health / welfare concerns. The case clarifies the operation of 17(1)(e) of the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984.

R v GC (2020) Junior Counsel (led by Nina Grahame QC) – Defendant charged with murder. Complicated psychiatric (diminished responsibility) and medical issues (drug pharmacology). Defendant acquitted of murder and convicted of manslaughter on the basis of diminished responsibility. Successful submission of no case to answer on a kidnap charge.

Cuadrilla v Lawrie and Ors [2020] EWCA Civ 9 – First breach of a protest injunction by fracking protesters. Complicated legal issues arising out of this novel quasi criminal case. I appeared as junior counsel in the CoA where the fundamental importance of the right to protest was reiterated.

R v P (2019) – Defendant charged with historic sexual offences. Defendant had complicated mental health issues and was in a secure mental health facility at the time of the trial. Acquitted on all counts.

R v C (2019) – 16 year old defendant charged with possession of a firearm (AK47) with intent to endanger life. Expert medical evidence regarding the defendant’s capacity and complex cell site evidence. Sentencing judge accepted the defendant’s vulnerability and was sentenced to 4 years whereas the principal offender received an 18 years EDS.

R v A (2019) – Defendant charged with being part of a large benefits fraud. Complicated issues centring around the legal definition of ‘employment’. My client was the only defendant of 21 to be acquitted.

R v C (2019) – 16 year old defendant charged with armed robbery. Complicated ID issues. Successful submission of no case to answer based on substantial breaches of PACE.

R (ex p C) v CCRC [2019] EWHC 926 (Admin) – Junior counsel in a judicial review of the CCRC’s failure to refer a case, on Jogee (Joint Enterprise) grounds, back to the Court of Appeal.

R v L (2018) – Public nuisance protest case that received widespread media attention. I was junior counsel in the CoA. The CoA overturned the custodial sentences in what is seen as the precedent judgment on protesters and appropriate sentences.

R v V [2018] EWCA Crim 23 – Aggravated Burglary. Court of Appeal reduction of sentence.