Practice Overview
Joshua is a specialist family practitioner. He accepts instructions across all areas of family law, including the following:
- Private Law (Child Arrangements, Prohibited Steps, Specific Issue, Internal and External Relocation)
- Financial Remedy and TLATA
- Public Law
- Injunctions (Non-Molestation, Occupation and FMPO)
Joshua goes above and beyond for client’s which leads to a consistently high standard of work. His practice is complex far beyond his years, which is reflective of his ability.
Joshua leads with a conciliatory approach in all cases, where appropriate. He is excellent at getting to the heart of what the important issues are and is expert at helping parties navigate through those issues to the right conclusion. His approach often enables private law cases to settle at FHDRA or DRA, and financial remedy cases to settle at FDA or FDR. He is also instructed to advise clients before proceedings are issued, or during forms of NCDR.
Equally, Joshua is a tenacious advocate who excels when navigating complex legal argument and cross examining witnesses, including experts. He is regularly instructed to represent parents (both in private and public law proceedings) at fact-finding and contested final hearings, including where there are allegations of domestic abuse, sexual abuse, ‘parental alienation’ and non-accidental injury.
Another of Joshua’s key skills is his client care. He has an ability to connect with clients in a way that makes them feel at ease when represented by him, and receptive to his realistic and child-focused advice. He regularly represents vulnerable clients, be that as a result of cognitive impairment or because they are victims of domestic abuse.
Joshua encourages a collaborative approach with those that instruct him regularly. He maintains regular communication with those that instruct him, and prides himself on the relationships formed with solicitors.
Joshua has appeared in the following reported cases:
M v F & Anor [2024] EWHC 723 (Fam) – Joshua represented the appellant mother before the President of the Family Division, Sir Andrew McFarlane, successfully appealing a fact-finding Judgment where her allegations of sexual abuse were not found to be proved, resulting in the proceedings being remitted for re-hearing of those allegations.
The Local Authority v F & Anor [2023] EWFC 142 – Joshua represented the respondent children at a composite final hearing in public law proceedings involving the death of a child, where the parents were alleged to be responsible.
A and B (a child) & Anor [2023] EWFC 98 (B) – Joshua represented the applicant mother on an application against her son, a child, for a non-molestation order. The court considered the provisions of section 20 as a long-term care plan.
D & Anor and F & Anor [2022] EWHC 3450 (Fam) – Joshua represented the applicant aunt on an application for a declaration as to the children’s ‘looked after’ legal status. The application was successful, and Joshua went on to secure a costs order against the local authority.