Manchester Arena Inquiry opens today – Louis Browne QC representing University of Salford

September 7, 2020

The public inquiry into the Manchester Arena terror attack begins today, with Louis Browne QC from Exchange Chambers representing the University of Salford.

The hearing comes more than three years after Salman Abedi set off a bomb as people left a concert on 22 May 2017, killing himself and 22 others.

It was due to start in June, but was delayed by the trial of Abedi’s brother Hashem, who was jailed for at least 55 years for 22 murders on 20 August.

The inquiry, chaired by coroner Sir John Saunders, will “explore the circumstances leading up to and surrounding the terror attack”, according to its website.  It is being held at Manchester Magistrates’ Court.

Expected to last into the middle of 2021, the Inquiry will hear testimony from a wide variety of witnesses, including some who were at the arena on the night of the attack and some who helped in the emergency response.

It will also hear, in closed sessions, some evidence from the security services about what was known about Salman Abedi and what steps were taken in relation to him.