Jodie Wildridge becomes a full member at Exchange Chambers

September 24, 2020

We are delighted to announce that Jodie Wildridge has been voted in as a full member of Exchange Chambers after the successful completion of her pupillage.

Jodie started her commercial pupillage in September 2019 and was supervised by Lisa Linklater during her first six. She worked with Lisa and a range of barristers at different levels of seniority within the commercial department including Mark Cawson QC and David Mohyuddin QC.  Jodie experienced a wide range of commercial litigation before many different judges in the High Court of Justice, Business and Property Courts and County Courts nationwide, including company, insolvency, contract, construction and property work. She also experienced appellate work in the Court of Appeal.

During her second six, Jodie was under the supervision of Giles Maynard-Connor and despite the difficult circumstances brought about by the current health crisis, she completed a wide variety of work and demonstrated her commitment to all aspects of the job and to Chambers.

Said Lisa Linklater:

“Jodie is a first-rate barrister.  It has been a pleasure to work with and supervise Jodie during her pupillage.  She is an excellent lawyer, has a very positive and perceptive approach to case-work, quickly builds constructive working relationships, works extremely well under pressure and is commercially astute.”

Said Giles Maynard-Connor, Joint Head of Exchange Chambers’ Commercial Team:

“Jodie has been an outstanding pupil barrister who has repeatedly demonstrated that she has the legal acumen, drive, enthusiasm and practical application that are required to be successful at the Commercial Bar. I have no doubt that she will prove to be an excellent barrister, and a great addition to our Commercial Team and  Chambers as a whole.”