Exchange Chambers issues statement on CBA deal
March 28, 2014
Exchange Chambers has distanced itself from the agreement announced yesterday between the government and the Criminal Bar Association (CBA).
In a statement issued today, Exchange Chambers said:
“As a Chambers, we do not endorse the agreement the CBA has made with the MoJ.
“Individual barristers were not consulted on these proposals and, having been made aware of the developments, the criminal team of Exchange Chambers disapproves of them.
“Our criminal team members voted to pursue the ‘no returns’ policy for an initial four week period and not to undertake defence VHCC work at the proposed new rates.
“Exchange Chambers sees no reason to resile from that position and would hope that the solidarity and co-operation between the professions which has been so evident recently will continue.
“We welcome the announcement that there will be an EGM of the CBA and ballot of the membership but meanwhile we will continue to support the Northern Circuit proposal to pursue the ‘no returns’ policy and will continue to refuse to undertake VHCC work.”
“We wish to make it absolutely clear that we continue to strenuously oppose the cuts that threaten not only the existence of the legal professions but also the principle of equal access to justice for all.”