David Toal secures bail for Manchester United footballer, Mason Greenwood

October 19, 2022

Manchester United footballer Mason Greenwood will be released from custody after a bail application by defence barrister David Toal from Exchange Chambers was granted.

The 21-year-old faces charges of attempted rape, controlling and coercive behaviour and assault.  All three charges relate to the same woman.

He appeared at Manchester Magistrates’ Court on Monday and was remanded in custody.

A bail application was held in private at Manchester’s Minshull Street Crown Court today.

Following the hearing, a spokesman for the court said bail had been granted, with conditions not to contact witnesses, including the complainant, and to reside at an address in Bow Green Road in Bowdon.

Mr Greenwood is due to appear at court again on November 21.

David Toal is instructed by Louise Shaw, Managing Partner at Burton Copeland.