Terms of Business and Client Care

Contact Us

The following are invited to contact the clerks via telephone on 0151 236 7747 for a quote for our barristers’ services (or alternatively email info@exchangechambers.co.uk):

  • Solicitors or other practising lawyers;
  • Licensed Access clients, who may either hold a licence issued by the Bar Standards Board, or be a member of a professional body which has been recognised by the Bar Standards Board; and
  • Members of the public who wish to instruct a barrister under the Public Access scheme.

We will provide you with a quote as soon as possible. We always aim to set out quotes clearly, but if you receive your quote and there is something you do not understand, please contact us.

Fees and Policies

We adopt a transparent, flexible and commercial approach to fees.

Our clerks and senior management team are happy to discuss fees with you up front and tailor them to your requirements. We will discuss and scope a piece of work with you and provide a fee quote at no cost. We ensure our fees are structured appropriately for every case.

We operate a number of flexible options regarding fees including:

Hourly rates: We are happy to agree not to work beyond a certain financial limit set by you. This allows you and your client to stay in control of fees.

Fixed fees: We are happy to discuss and agree where appropriate a fixed fee for a piece of work. Some work will lend itself to this arrangement, some will not.

Capped fees: We apply an hourly rate and charge on that basis but up to an agreed cap for that piece of work. Again, some work will lend itself to this arrangement, some will not.

We will consider CFA work in appropriate cases.

Click here to view our fees and policies.

Click here to view our fees and policies in relation to Personal Injury and Clinical Negligence multi-track CFA cases.

Click here to view our fees and policies in relation to Family (Private Paying) cases.

Regulatory and Complaints Procedure

Although seldom used, we have a recognised procedure for dealing with complaints that ensures they are given proper attention, and a suitable remedy is found without delay. Complaints should be made to Neil Wright (Chambers Director).

Barristers in chambers are regulated by the Bar Standards Board. You can search the Barristers’ Register on the Bar Standards Board’s website here. This shows (1) whether a barrister has a current practising certificate, and (2) whether a barrister has any disciplinary findings, which are published on the Bar Standards Board’s website in accordance with their policy. Alternatively, you can contact the Bar Standards Board on 0207611 1444 to ask about this (or e-mail ContactUs@BarStandardsBoard.org.uk).

Our Complaints Procedure is available to view here and provides the following information:

  • Our complaints procedure;
  • Any right you may have to complain to the Legal Ombudsman (LeO) – the independent body which can help you if you have complained to your lawyer and are not happy with their response;
  • How to complain to the LeO; and
  • Any time limits for making a complaint.

You can also search the decision data on the LeO’s website here. This shows providers which received an ombudsman’s decision in the previous calendar year, and whether the LeO required the provider to give the consumer a remedy. Alternatively, you can contact the LeO on 0300 555 0333 to ask about this (or email enquiries@legalombudsman.org.uk).

A hard copy of this information can be supplied upon request.


We invite feedback from our clients in relation to the quality of our services. Clerks and Members of Chambers note your comments and pass them on to, Neil Wright (Chambers Director) for review. This is the way we ensure that our services are meeting your needs. Furthermore, there may be occasions when we ask you for specific comments on the quality of our service and hope you will bear with us in the interests of improving it wherever possible. Feedback can be addressed to a member of the senior management team.

Public Access

Changes to the law have enabled us to take instructions from members of the public, businesses and companies who may now take advantage of our services via Public Access.

Public Access is permitted in relation to almost all areas of law and a qualified barrister can offer legal services to help you solve the problem or to bring about a resolution with the assistance of the court or through a form of Alternative Dispute Resolution, (for example mediation).

Removing the necessity for a solicitor will reduce the cost; however, your Barrister has an ongoing professional duty to consider the needs of a client and, should it become necessary to instruct a solicitor, will say so and, where appropriate, provide recommendations.

The cost of instructing a Barrister directly will be either be charged as a fixed fee for or an hourly rate depending on the nature of the work. These fees are calculated according to the seniority and level of expertise of a specific Barrister, their skills, the complexity of the matter and the prevailing market rates. The current rate of VAT will be added where applicable. Expenses incurred by Barristers will only be added where agreed at the outset. If you decide that you would like to instruct a Barrister on a direct access basis the clerks will be able to advise you on Barristers that are suitable to your needs and give a transparent quote for the costs involved. Fees will always be agreed with you in advance of any work undertaken by the Barrister.

For further information from the Bar Standards Board on how the public access scheme works and how members of the public can use it to instruct Barristers directly, please see the guidance notes here.

Full details of the Practice Areas we may be able to assist you with, along with other information you may find useful about Chambers including our fees and policies information can be found in our Fact Sheet here. This also contains the BSB Public Access Scheme Guidance for Lay Clients referred to above. A hard copy can be supplied upon request.

We are happy to provide initial guidance as to whether the direct access scheme is suitable for your legal requirements free of charge. If you would like to submit a request, please download and complete this form. Please send all completed forms to reception@exchangechambers.co.uk and your request will be passed on to one of our Senior Clerks.

If you require any further or additional information at any stage then please do not hesitate to contact one of our clerks who will be able to assist with any enquiry.

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

At Exchange Chambers we are committed to promoting equal opportunities for all, including members, pupils, employees and applicants to Chambers. We do not discriminate against anyone on the grounds of race, colour, nationality, ethnic or national origins, citizenship, gender, sexual orientation, gender reassignment, marital or civil partner status, disability, age, religion or belief or indeed, on any other ground. That said, we are alive to the risk of institutional bias and are committed to learning how to identify and eradicate areas in which there may be a risk of that occurring. We welcome and encourage any suggestions which help us on our learning journey.

Please read more about our commitment to equality, diversity and inclusion on our dedicated page here.

Provision of Service Regulations

Certain information is provided by Exchange Chambers in accordance with the requirements of The Provision of Services Regulations 2009.  Any required information that is not provided is included in our Letter of Acknowledgement which details the terms of business between us and our clients. Please click here to view the full information.

Privacy Policy

Exchange Chambers and its members comply with our obligations under GDPR. You can view Chambers’ and members’ privacy policy here.